Welcome to my About Page
Hello! I’m Jennifer, but you might know me as Jiffy or, within my gaming community, as LiliumCobra (Lili). I have big dreams for my content creation. My journey into content creation and managing jiffytalking.com sprouted from a desire to share my interests, overcome personal fears, and build a community. I want to give and be more than just a blogger or streamer, but before I talk about where the heck I’m going, let me tell you how I got here and where I am on this journey!
How Jiffy Got Here
The Origin of Jiffy
The nickname “Jiffy” originated in childhood when my baby sister, Annabelle, couldn’t pronounce Jennifer properly and ended up calling me Jiffy. This nickname stuck and has since been a big part of who I am, warmly embraced by family, friends, and a growing online community.
Culinary Roots
My love for cooking goes back to 6th grade home economics, where I first learned to make biscuits and gravy from scratch. After preparing it for my family the following Saturday morning, their appreciation and enjoyment hooked me on making and sharing food. This early experience not only inflated my inner foodie but also fed my natural desire to gain and share knowledge—a desire that has significantly shaped my personal identity as Jiffy.
The Origin of LiliumCobra
Choosing a gamer tag is no small feat; it’s an identity that follows you across gamer communities, and I wanted one I could hold on to for the rest of my life. For me, it had to be timeless, meaningful, and, of course, cool. More importantly, it needed to be unique enough to be available on the many games and social communities that do not allow duplicated account names. The quest for the perfect name led me down a winding path of research.
My research eventually led me to the fascinating world of plants. My husband has always been captivated by carnivorous plants. I prefer flowers, and my favorite has always been the stargazer lily, a flower with a decadent fragrance and elegant beauty.
First, I discovered the Cobra Lily, a carnivorous plant. I thought the name sounded cool, but it would definitely be taken on many platforms. I also didn’t like that it started with Cobra because it meant people would inevitably call me Cobra, Co, or Bra. No thanks!
Imagine my delight when I noticed a flower in my search results that closely resembles my favorite Stargazer Lily with a name that mirrors the Cobra Lily—the Lilium Cobra, also known as the Oriental Cobra Lily. This discovery was a perfect combination of everything I wanted in a handle. And thus, LiliumCobra was born. Now you know that (contrary to what some might think) neither snakes nor pop-culture references inspired my alias. It resulted from my love for research and interest in plants!
Overcoming Fears and Early Content Creation
Throughout my life, I’ve battled an irrational fear of failure, which often hindered my growth. Although it is important to do one’s best in each endeavor, somehow, this got tangled in my brain to mean nothing is worth doing if not to perfection. It took numerous setbacks over many years to understand that failure is not a dead-end but a step in a journey of growth. This realization helped me begin to embrace earnest mistakes and foster a balance between caution and risk-taking, equipping me to neutralize regrets. If each step in life is necessary to get to a specific place, how can I regret mistakes if I am headed in a positive direction overall? See? Regrets NEUTRALIZED!
Even today, I always edit as I write. At times, I have allowed fears to cripple my progress. I have avoided opportunities, procrastinated tasks, and allowed them to stop me from communicating important information. It took a long time and many seemingly devastating failures to realize that the greatest successes and progress are often born from failure. Although failures feel final, in fact, they are just another step in a process.
Much like long-term exposure to a smell causes nose-blindness, or a sound causes selective hearing, my overexposure to the saying, “If (at first) you don’t succeed, try, try again,” blinded me to its potential personal application. Understanding that the road to progress is guaranteed to include failures permitted me to make mistakes!
Do vs Dwell
Now, I am empowered to make honest mistakes. It allows me to accept reasonable risks of non-perfection in lieu of stagnation.
If you are wondering, “What’s that like–” it is like if you were at a crazy, many-directional intersection for the first time. Lights are in weird places, lanes seemingly start and stop with no rhyme or reason, and somehow you are on the left side of the yellow lines when you know that’s wrong because you are in the States! A sudden grip of fear grabs your senses as you realize at once that you came unprepared. You look up and realize you have a green arrow to turn.
Despite the chaos and doubt, you know it is now or never, so you take what you know, and go for it. Failure is possible, but the alternative is to stop traffic and go nowhere thereby hindering myself and others.
I am still a cautious person. This is where my balancing game between taking risks and being prepared began. Research and planning are a regular part of my routine to wrap my mind around each step in life before tackling it. The new challenge is to find a balance between cautious preparation and fun-loving confidence. After much soul-searching, I realized regret was at the base of all my fears of failure. Whether it is a regret of letting others down or regret of missing out–I decided to use this in my favor. I do this by allowing myself to research first, and then I force myself to make a decision based on which one I would regret more later.
Where is Jiffy
The Return of LiliumCobra
I streamed before, but I had to take a break to deal with some personal health issues. During that time, I also worked on my site, jiffytalking.com. Now, I am back and ready to go! As of the writing of this article, I am streaming a variety of gaming content on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, with the occasional stream in between.
The Evolution of Jiffytalking.com
Jiffytalking.com started as a sanctuary for kitchen enthusiasts, where I could share my culinary adventures like my journey to Smooth Pecan Pie, recipes like the creamiest cheesecake EVER, and tips like how to harness the power of brown food with fellow food lovers. However, my interests are vast and varied, and confining myself to a single niche felt suffocating. I yearned to explore more and share all facets of my personality with my audience.
The desire to diversify my content stems from a more profound belief that each of us is a multidimensional being with a unique combination of interests and experiences that define us. No one can truly be defined by one box or category. The current social media climate fosters an environment that forces us into categories, therefore making it natural for us to view one another as one-dimensional beings. It is a lot easier to have one-dimensional emotions if a person is either all good or all bad, like a cartoon villain.
Bringing Everything Together
In defiance of the internet’s love for categorization and oversimplification of social interactions, I am merging my worlds. Jiffytalking.com is no longer just a food and kitchen blog; it reflects my whole self, where gaming, cooking, creativity, and many other passions coexist. This journey is about breaking molds, exploring new horizons, and building a community that values diversity in content and thought.
My husband and I have numerous projects in the pipeline, dreams we hope to realize as we grow this platform. Until we reach those milestones, he supports us with his day job while I pour my heart and soul into making Jiffytalking.com and LiliumCobra Gaming a source of contagious inspiration, humble pride, and growing income.
Where The Heck is Jiffy Going
Expanding Horizons
Looking ahead, Jiffytalking.com aims to embrace even broader horizons, incorporating interests such as travel, anime, and storytelling—including history, mythology, true crime, and world events—along with life advice, tips, guides, and even how to solve a Rubik’s Cube! This expansion is a testament to our commitment to exploring the intersections of our interests and creating a vibrant community passionate about discovery, learning, and enjoying life together.
Join the Adventure
I am still a work in progress, but this journey has led me to this jiffytalking site. Not only do I hope my journey will continue to help me harness the potential of failures and discovery in my life, but I hope to empower others who can benefit from my experiences as well.
I am fortunate enough to have many strong and beautiful people in my life. They inspire and motivate me to create interesting, helpful, and honest content. Going forward, I will continue to publish articles, create content, and stream gaming. My ultimate goal with all my content is to help you live your best life and be your best self.
I still love to research before I do anything, and I hope my research, experiences, and advice help you live your best life and neutralize your regrets! Here’s to embracing our passions, discovering new ones, and building a community that thrives on diversity and creativity. Welcome to the world of Jiffytalking and LiliumCobra—where boundaries were meant to be broken. Please follow our journey across social media and tune into my streams on Twitch, YouTube, and TROVO for a deeper dive into everything that makes this adventure so exciting. Let’s make this journey unforgettable together!
Thank you so much!
Jennifer aka Jiffy
Content Creator and Manager for jiffytalking.com
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/liliumcobra
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@jifferness
Trovo https://trovo.live/s/liliumcobra
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jiffy_aka_lilium
TikTok tiktok.com/@jiffyakaliliumcobra
Instagram @jiffy_aka_liliumcobra
Pinterest pinterest.com/therealjiffy/
Thread @jiffy_aka_liliumcobra